Monday, August 27, 2012

Circular No 181/2012 Dated 15 Aug 2012: Sijil Annual 2013 (Kindly Submit By 15 Oct 2012 (Monday))

Circular No 181/2012

Dated 15 Aug 2012

To Members of the Malaysian Bar

Sijil Annual 2013

Pursuant to part III of the Legal Profession Act 1976, Practising Certificate and Sijil Annual shall be renewed annually.

Members can obtain the Form of Application for Sijil Annual 2013 and the Application Form for Practising Certificate 2013 (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Application Forms”) by the following means:

(1) Download the attachments that come with this circular; or

(2) Download a copy of the Application Forms from the Malaysian Bar website under the About Us>Membership>Sijil Annual tab; or

(3) Collect a copy from their respective State Bar Committee (Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Members may also collect their Application Forms from the Bar Council Secretariat).

A General

(1) To enable the Bar Council Secretariat to process your Application Forms, Members are advised to do the following before submitting the Application Forms:

(a) Ensure the following payments have been made:

(i) 2012 Bar Council Subscription: RM450;

(ii) 2012 Bar Council Building Fund: RM100;

(iii) 2012 Bar Council Legal Aid Fund: RM100;

(iv) 2012 Bar Council Sports Fund: RM10;

(v) 2012 Bar Council LawCare Fund: RM100;

(vi) 2013 Bar Council Compensation Fund: RM100;

(vii) 2013 Bar Council Discipline Fund: RM60; and

(viii) Penalty pursuant to section 46(6) of the Legal Profession Act 1976 (if applicable): RM450.

Subscription of RM450 for 2012 was to be paid on or before 30 June 2012. In the event this payment was not made before 30 June 2012 and the Member was in practice from 1 Jan to 30 June 2012, or any part thereof, an additional penalty payment of RM450 has to be made pursuant to section 46(6) of the Legal Profession Act 1976.

(b) Obtain the Professional Indemnity Insurance Cover 2013 from Jardine Lloyd Thompson Sdn Bhd (“JLT”). Please contact JLT directly for all enquiries pertaining to Professional Indemnity Insurance at:

Jardine Lloyd Thompson Sdn Bhd

Suite 10.2 10th Floor Faber Imperial Court

21A Jalan Sultan Ismail

50250 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 03-2723 3388

Fax: 03-2723 3301

Please take note that Members are no longer required to forward the receipts for the payments in item A(1)(a) and the Professional Indemnity Insurance Schedule 2013 from JLT with their Application Forms, unless requested otherwise, as the Bar Council Secretariat has upgraded its system and is able to check online that the formalities have been complied with.

(2) To enable the Bar Council Secretariat to deal with your application expeditiously, kindly submit your Application Forms with the supporting documents duly arranged in the order listed in the SA Application 2013 Checklist attached herewith, not later than 15 Oct 2012 (Monday).

(3) If a Member were to change firm after submission of the Application Forms but prior to the issuance of his or her Sijil Annual and Practising Certificate 2013, a fresh set of Application Forms should be submitted.

B Documents to be Submitted for Application of Sijil Annual and Practising Certificate 2013

The following documents are to be submitted for the application of Sijil Annual and Practising Certificate 2013:

(1) SA Application 2013 Checklist duly completed (please refer to Attachment 1);

(2) Cheques for the payments stated in A(1)(a) only if the payments have not been made:

(a) In favour of “Bar Council Compensation Fund” for the year 2013 in the sum of RM100;

(b) In favour of “Bar Council Discipline Fund” for the year 2013 in the sum of RM60;

(c) In favour of “Bar Council” in the sum of RM760 (for 2012 Bar Council Subscription RM450, 2012 Bar Council Building Fund RM100, 2012 Bar Council Legal Aid Fund RM100, 2012 Bar Council Sports Fund RM10, and 2012 Bar Council LawCare Fund RM100); and

(d) In favour of “Bar Council” in the sum of RM450 if penalty payment is due.

Bar Council also accepts payment via:

(a) Internet banking (
Access and log in with your user ID and password to make payment online.

(b) Direct Access Malaysian Bar Credit Card (Visa/MasterCard)
Complete the Direct Access Malaysian Bar Credit Card Payment Authorisation Letter and submit it by fax to 03-2031 8385 or by email to

For more information about making payment, kindly refer to Circular No 072/2012 dated 9 Apr 2012.

Should you have any enquiries, kindly call 03-2050 2050, press (3) for Finance and Accounts Department and press (1) again for enquiries on subscription.

(3) Application Form for Practising Certificate 2013 duly completed in capital letters (please refer to Attachment 2);

(4) Form of Application for Sijil Annual 2013 duly completed (please refer to Attachment 3);

In the form, each Member is required to indicate:
(a) the actual address where he or she is practising at (at the section of the form that states “State the address/es at which you practise or intend to practise”); and
(b) all address(es) of the other offices of the firm, if applicable (at the section of the form that states “And at branch office/s”).

We urge all Members to provide us with their handphone number(s) and email address(es) to enable the Bar Council to update its membership database and so as not to miss out on urgent SMS blasts and e-circulars.

(5) State Bar Committee Certificates for:

(a) main office; and
(b) branch office(s) (only applicable to sole proprietor/partner with branch office(s));

confirming that there are no arrears in subscription(s) for 2012.

Where a firm has offices in more than one state, the sole proprietor or all partners of that firm must be a member of all the relevant State Bar Committees where the offices are located, and is/are required to submit the certificates confirming that there are no arrears in subscriptions.

(6) Statutory Declaration by:

(a) sole proprietor/partner (please refer to Attachment 4): or
(b) legal assistant/consultant (please refer to Attachment 5);

(7) Accountant’s Report 2011 applicable to Members who were sole proprietors/partners from 1 Jan to 31 Dec 2011, or any part thereof, and maintained client account(s) for:

(a) main office; and
(b) branch office(s) (only applicable to sole proprietor/partner with branch office(s));

Each sole proprietor/partner is to submit a copy of the Accountant’s Report for the period from 1 Jan to 31 Dec 2011 as an attachment to the Statutory Declaration in addition to the report sent in by the Accountant, unless exempted by the Bar Council under rule 6 of the Accountant’s Report Rules 1960.

The Accountant’s Report is required to be issued under the name of individual members.

Members who have more than one office are required to ensure that the Accountant’s Report covers all their offices and/or branches or separate Accountant’s Report are submitted for each and every office.

Applicants who are applying for the issuance of Sijil Annual and Practising Certificate for the first time must also submit the following documents:

(1) Two copies of the Order of Admission as an Advocate and Solicitor certified by the Registrar of the High Court of Malaya; and

(2) Copy of the official receipt of the RM200 admission fee paid to the Advocates and Solicitors Disciplinary Board.

C Additional Documents to be Furnished

The following additional documents are to be furnished:

(1) Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001 Compliance Report for Legal Firms Confirmation Form (please refer to Attachment 6)

Bank Negara Malaysia (“BNM”), the competent authority under the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001 (“AMLATFA”), has sought Bar Council’s assistance to urge legal firms to complete and submit an AMLATFA Compliance Report on BNM’s e- SURVEY portal on a yearly basis. The Compliance Report is firm based and only requires a partner/managing partner/sole proprietor selected by the firm to make a submission on behalf of the entire firm on BNM’s website.

Legal assistants or consultants are not required to complete this form. Firms that commenced operation on or after 1 July 2012 are not required to complete and submit the AMLATFA Compliance Report.

Should you have any enquiries, kindly contact Christina Gomez (03-2050 2087; or Mohd Faizal Mahat (03-2050 2088).

(2) Continuing Professional Development (“CPD”) Record Sheet (please refer to Attachment 7)

At the 66th Annual General Meeting of the Malaysian Bar held on 10 Mar 2012, a resolution regarding a mandatory Continuing Professional Development (“CPD”) Scheme for the Malaysian Bar was adopted. To facilitate the transition to the mandatory CPD Scheme for Members of the Bar, the CPD Scheme will be implemented on a voluntary basis for the first two years.

A CPD cycle is a 24-month cycle, and the first cycle will run from 1 July 2012 until 30 June 2014. Those who are in practice on 1 July 2012 will be expected to accumulate 16 CPD points by 30 June 2014. Those who come into practice or resume practice after 1 July 2012 will be required to accumulate a pro-rated number of CPD points during this cycle, as indicated in the table below:

Date of Coming into Practice

Pro-rated CPD Points

Before or from 1 July to 30 Sept 2012


1 Oct 2012 to 31 Dec 2012


1 Jan 2013 to 31 Mar 2013


1 Apr 2013 to 30 June 2013


1 July 2013 to 30 Sept 2013


We ask Members of the Bar to return the duly completed CPD Record Sheet with the number of points they have earned from 1 July 2012.

To know more about the CPD Scheme, please refer to Circular No 134/2012 dated 22 June 2012. Should you have any enquiries, kindly contact Vilashini Vijayan (03-2050 2095; or Mohd Fazli Rosman (03-2050 2105).

D Collection Letters

The “Track Your Firm’s Sijil Annual/Practising Certificate Online” feature on the Malaysian Bar website was introduced on 1 Sept 2011, to assist firms with the collection process. The feature will enable an authorised representative of a firm to access the following information:

(a) Whether the Sijil Annual/Practising Certificate 2013 of each of the firm’s practitioners is ready for collection;

(b) For firms in Kuala Lumpur or Selangor, whether the Sijil Annual/Practising Certificate 2013 of each of the practitioners has been collected by the authorised representative; and

(c) For firms in states other than Labuan, Kuala Lumpur or Selangor, whether the Sijil Annual/Practising Certificate 2013 of each of the firm’s practitioners has been sent by the Bar Council Secretariat to the respective State Bar Committees.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Circular No 181/2012 Dated 15 Aug 2012: Sijil Annual 2013

Circular No 181/2012 Dated 15 Aug 2012

You may cut & paste the below address for the soft copy of the above:

To Members of the Malaysian Bar:

Sijil Annual 2013

Pursuant to part III of the Legal Profession Act 1976, Practising Certificate and Sijil Annual shall be renewed annually.

Members can obtain the Form of Application for Sijil Annual 2013 and the Application Form for Practising Certificate 2013 (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Application Forms”) by the following means:

(1) Download the attachments that come with this circular; or

(2) Download a copy of the Application Forms from the Malaysian Bar website under the About Us>Membership>Sijil Annual tab; or

(3) Collect a copy from their respective State Bar Committee (Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Members may also collect their Application Forms from the Bar Council Secretariat).

A General

(1) To enable the Bar Council Secretariat to process your Application Forms, Members are advised to do the following before submitting the Application Forms:

(a) Ensure the following payments have been made:

(i) 2012 Bar Council Subscription: RM450;

(ii) 2012 Bar Council Building Fund: RM100;

(iii) 2012 Bar Council Legal Aid Fund: RM100;

(iv) 2012 Bar Council Sports Fund: RM10;

(v) 2012 Bar Council LawCare Fund: RM100;

(vi) 2013 Bar Council Compensation Fund: RM100;

(vii) 2013 Bar Council Discipline Fund: RM60; and

(viii) Penalty pursuant to section 46(6) of the Legal Profession Act 1976 (if applicable): RM450.

Subscription of RM450 for 2012 was to be paid on or before 30 June 2012. In the event this payment was not made before 30 June 2012 and the Member was in practice from 1 Jan to 30 June 2012, or any part thereof, an additional penalty payment of RM450 has to be made pursuant to section 46(6) of the Legal Profession Act 1976.

(b) Obtain the Professional Indemnity Insurance Cover 2013 from Jardine Lloyd Thompson Sdn Bhd (“JLT”). Please contact JLT directly for all enquiries pertaining to Professional Indemnity Insurance at:

Jardine Lloyd Thompson Sdn Bhd

Suite 10.2 10th Floor Faber Imperial Court

21A Jalan Sultan Ismail

50250 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 03-2723 3388

Fax: 03-2723 3301

Please take note that Members are no longer required to forward the receipts for the payments in item A(1)(a) and the Professional Indemnity Insurance Schedule 2013 from JLT with their Application Forms, unless requested otherwise, as the Bar Council Secretariat has upgraded its system and is able to check online that the formalities have been complied with.

(2) To enable the Bar Council Secretariat to deal with your application expeditiously, kindly submit your Application Forms with the supporting documents duly arranged in the order listed in the SA Application 2013 Checklist attached herewith, not later than 15 Oct 2012 (Monday).

(3) If a Member were to change firm after submission of the Application Forms but prior to the issuance of his or her Sijil Annual and Practising Certificate 2013, a fresh set of Application Forms should be submitted.

B Documents to be Submitted for Application of Sijil Annual and Practising Certificate 2013

The following documents are to be submitted for the application of Sijil Annual and Practising Certificate 2013:

(1) SA Application 2013 Checklist duly completed (please refer to Attachment 1);

(2) Cheques for the payments stated in A(1)(a) only if the payments have not been made:

(a) In favour of “Bar Council Compensation Fund” for the year 2013 in the sum of RM100;

(b) In favour of “Bar Council Discipline Fund” for the year 2013 in the sum of RM60;

(c) In favour of “Bar Council” in the sum of RM760 (for 2012 Bar Council Subscription RM450, 2012 Bar Council Building Fund RM100, 2012 Bar Council Legal Aid Fund RM100, 2012 Bar Council Sports Fund RM10, and 2012 Bar Council LawCare Fund RM100); and

(d) In favour of “Bar Council” in the sum of RM450 if penalty payment is due.

Bar Council also accepts payment via:

(a) Internet banking (
Access and log in with your user ID and password to make payment online.

(b) Direct Access Malaysian Bar Credit Card (Visa/MasterCard)
Complete the Direct Access Malaysian Bar Credit Card Payment Authorisation Letter and submit it by fax to 03-2031 8385 or by email to

For more information about making payment, kindly refer to Circular No 072/2012 dated 9 Apr 2012.

Should you have any enquiries, kindly call 03-2050 2050, press (3) for Finance and Accounts Department and press (1) again for enquiries on subscription.

(3) Application Form for Practising Certificate 2013 duly completed in capital letters (please refer to Attachment 2);

(4) Form of Application for Sijil Annual 2013 duly completed (please refer to Attachment 3);

In the form, each Member is required to indicate:
(a) the actual address where he or she is practising at (at the section of the form that states “State the address/es at which you practise or intend to practise”); and
(b) all address(es) of the other offices of the firm, if applicable (at the section of the form that states “And at branch office/s”).

We urge all Members to provide us with their handphone number(s) and email address(es) to enable the Bar Council to update its membership database and so as not to miss out on urgent SMS blasts and e-circulars.

(5) State Bar Committee Certificates for:

(a) main office; and
(b) branch office(s) (only applicable to sole proprietor/partner with branch office(s));

confirming that there are no arrears in subscription(s) for 2012.

Where a firm has offices in more than one state, the sole proprietor or all partners of that firm must be a member of all the relevant State Bar Committees where the offices are located, and is/are required to submit the certificates confirming that there are no arrears in subscriptions.

(6) Statutory Declaration by:

(a) sole proprietor/partner (please refer to Attachment 4): or
(b) legal assistant/consultant (please refer to Attachment 5);

(7) Accountant’s Report 2011 applicable to Members who were sole proprietors/partners from 1 Jan to 31 Dec 2011, or any part thereof, and maintained client account(s) for:

(a) main office; and
(b) branch office(s) (only applicable to sole proprietor/partner with branch office(s));

Each sole proprietor/partner is to submit a copy of the Accountant’s Report for the period from 1 Jan to 31 Dec 2011 as an attachment to the Statutory Declaration in addition to the report sent in by the Accountant, unless exempted by the Bar Council under rule 6 of the Accountant’s Report Rules 1960.

The Accountant’s Report is required to be issued under the name of individual members.

Members who have more than one office are required to ensure that the Accountant’s Report covers all their offices and/or branches or separate Accountant’s Report are submitted for each and every office.

Applicants who are applying for the issuance of Sijil Annual and Practising Certificate for the first time must also submit the following documents:

(1) Two copies of the Order of Admission as an Advocate and Solicitor certified by the Registrar of the High Court of Malaya; and

(2) Copy of the official receipt of the RM200 admission fee paid to the Advocates and Solicitors Disciplinary Board.

C Additional Documents to be Furnished

The following additional documents are to be furnished:

(1) Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001 Compliance Report for Legal Firms Confirmation Form (please refer to Attachment 6)

Bank Negara Malaysia (“BNM”), the competent authority under the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001 (“AMLATFA”), has sought Bar Council’s assistance to urge legal firms to complete and submit an AMLATFA Compliance Report on BNM’s e- SURVEY portal on a yearly basis. The Compliance Report is firm based and only requires a partner/managing partner/sole proprietor selected by the firm to make a submission on behalf of the entire firm on BNM’s website.

Legal assistants or consultants are not required to complete this form. Firms that commenced operation on or after 1 July 2012 are not required to complete and submit the AMLATFA Compliance Report.

Should you have any enquiries, kindly contact Christina Gomez (03-2050 2087; or Mohd Faizal Mahat (03-2050 2088).

(2) Continuing Professional Development (“CPD”) Record Sheet (please refer to Attachment 7)

At the 66th Annual General Meeting of the Malaysian Bar held on 10 Mar 2012, a resolution regarding a mandatory Continuing Professional Development (“CPD”) Scheme for the Malaysian Bar was adopted. To facilitate the transition to the mandatory CPD Scheme for Members of the Bar, the CPD Scheme will be implemented on a voluntary basis for the first two years.

A CPD cycle is a 24-month cycle, and the first cycle will run from 1 July 2012 until 30 June 2014. Those who are in practice on 1 July 2012 will be expected to accumulate 16 CPD points by 30 June 2014. Those who come into practice or resume practice after 1 July 2012 will be required to accumulate a pro-rated number of CPD points during this cycle, as indicated in the table below:

Date of Coming into Practice

Pro-rated CPD Points

Before or from 1 July to 30 Sept 2012


1 Oct 2012 to 31 Dec 2012


1 Jan 2013 to 31 Mar 2013


1 Apr 2013 to 30 June 2013


1 July 2013 to 30 Sept 2013


We ask Members of the Bar to return the duly completed CPD Record Sheet with the number of points they have earned from 1 July 2012.

To know more about the CPD Scheme, please refer to Circular No 134/2012 dated 22 June 2012. Should you have any enquiries, kindly contact Vilashini Vijayan (03-2050 2095; or Mohd Fazli Rosman (03-2050 2105).

D Collection Letters

The “Track Your Firm’s Sijil Annual/Practising Certificate Online” feature on the Malaysian Bar website was introduced on 1 Sept 2011, to assist firms with the collection process. The feature will enable an authorised representative of a firm to access the following information:

(a) Whether the Sijil Annual/Practising Certificate 2013 of each of the firm’s practitioners is ready for collection;

(b) For firms in Kuala Lumpur or Selangor, whether the Sijil Annual/Practising Certificate 2013 of each of the practitioners has been collected by the authorised representative; and

(c) For firms in states other than Labuan, Kuala Lumpur or Selangor, whether the Sijil Annual/Practising Certificate 2013 of each of the firm’s practitioners has been sent by the Bar Council Secretariat to the respective State Bar Committees.

To date, 1,099 firms have been issued with user identification login (“user ID”) and password to access this feature.

(1) The Bar Council Secretariat will send collection letters to firms when the Practising Certificates of the firms’ practitioners are ready for collection (“Collection Letter”).

(2) An authorised representative (“Authorised Collector”) of the firm is required to bring along an authorisation letter (“Authorisation Letter”) from the firm evidencing that the person is authorised to collect the Practising Certificate(s), together with the Collection Letter. Upon presentation of proof of identification, the Practising Certificate(s) will be released to the Authorised Collector.

(3) Practising Certificate would not be released to individual Member unless the Member is also the Authorised Collector.

For more details, please refer to Circular No 155/2012 dated 19 July 2012. Should you have any enquiries, kindly contact Hemalatha Subramaniam (03-2050 2167) or Sree Gayithiri Maruthuvellu (03-2050 2164), or send an email to

E Disciplinary and/or Injunction Proceedings

Members are reminded that those who wish to cease practice either on a permanent or temporary basis, are required to notify the Bar Council in accordance with section 31(2) of the Legal Profession Act 1976, and to comply with the Bar Council Rules on Cessation of, or Change in, Practice (“Rules”).

A copy of the Rules and the relevant forms can be obtained from the Bar Council Secretariat or downloaded from the Malaysian Bar website under the Resources>Frequently Used Forms>Membership tab.

Bar Council will institute disciplinary and/or injunction proceedings in 2013 against Members:

(1) from whom the Bar Council has not received the Sijil Annual and Practising Certificate 2013 Application Forms; or

(2) who have not been issued with Sijil Annual and Practising Certificates 2013 by 31 Jan 2013;

except against Members from whom the Bar Council has received their Notice of Cessation of Practice supported with a Statutory Declaration as prescribed under the Rules.

Any costs incurred by the Bar Council in filing the injunction proceedings shall be borne by the Member concerned.

Contact Persons at the Bar Council Membership Department

Should you require any clarification or assistance, kindly call 03-2050 2050, press (1) for Membership Department and press (1) again for Sijil Annual enquiries.

Thank you.

Tony Woon Yeow Thong
Malaysian Bar


Salinan Arahan Amalan di atas boleh cut & paste:


Selaras dengan pindaan Kanun Tatacara Jenayah (KTJ) yang dibuat pada tahun 2010 dan 2012, saya telah diarahkan oleh YAA Ketua Hakim Negara untuk memaklumkan YA Datuk / Dato’ / Datin / Tuan / Puan supaya mengambil maklum akan beberapa perkara yang berbangkit daripada pindaan tersebut. Perkara-perkara tersebut adalah sepertimana berikut :

Di dalam Arahan Amalan ini mana-mana perkataan “Hakim” adalah merujuk kepada Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi, Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen dan Majistret.

A) Rundingan Pra-Perbicaraan

1) Kes-kes yang didaftarkan pada atau selepas 1 Jun 2012 hendaklah melalui proses rundingan pra-perbicaraan di bawah seksyen 172A KTJ. Bagi kes-kes yang didaftarkan sebelum 1 Jun 2012 dan perbicaraan masih belum bermula, Mahkamah masih boleh membenarkan rundingan pra-perbicaraan dijalankan jika ada permohonan. Walau bagaimanapun permohonan untuk mengadakan rundingan pra-perbicaraan tersebut tidaklah boleh dijadikan alasan bagi penangguhan perbicaraan jika suatu tarikh perbicaraan telah ditetapkan.

2) Memandangkan pihak Mahkamah tidak terlibat di dalam rundingan tersebut, Mahkamah perlulah mendapatkan maklumat mengenai tarikh rundingan pra-perbicaraan daripada pihak pendakwaan atau pembelaan bagi membolehkan penetapan tarikh pengurusan kes kelak.

3) Untuk tujuan rundingan pra-perbicaraan, Mahkamah tidak akan mengeluarkan perintah Order to Produce (OTP) bagi orang kena tuduh (OKT) yang berada dalam reman.

B) Pengurusan Kes

1) Mahkamah hendaklah menetapkan tarikh pengurusan kes dalam tempoh 60 hari dari tarikh OKT dituduh dan minta dibicarakan.

2) Hakim hendaklah menjalankan sendiri sesi pengurusan kes sepertimana yang diperuntukkan di bawah subseksyen 172B (1) KTJ. Pengurusan kes hendaklah diadakan di mahkamah terbuka dengan kehadiran pihak pendakwaan, OKT dan peguambela jika OKT diwakili.

3) Bagi sesi pengurusan kes pertama yang mana OKT tidak diwakili, Hakim adalah dinasihatkan untuk mematuhi peruntukan perenggan 172B (2)(iii) KTJ terlebih dahulu iaitu dalam hal membantu OKT mendapatkan khidmat peguam, termasuklah memaklumkan kepada OKT mengenai khidmat peguam dari Yayasan Bantuan Guaman Kebangsaan (YBGK) sebelum melaksanakan tugas di bawah perenggan 172 b(ii).

4) Tiada had bilangan penetapan pengurusan kes bagi sesuatu kes. Namun begitu Hakim hendaklah mengadakan pengurusan kes yang terakhir dua (2) minggu sebelum tarikh bicara.

5) Bagi kes-kes yang tidak dapat ditetapkan tarikh bicara atas alasan pengurusan kes masih belum selesai, Hakim boleh menggunakan budibicara kehakiman masing-masing untuk membuat sebarang arahan yang munasabah bagi membolehkan tarikh bicara dalam tempoh 90 hari ditetapkan sepertimana yang diperuntukkan di bawah subseksyen 172B (4) KTJ.

6) Bagi tujuan penyeragaman dan memenuhi kehendak peruntukan di bawah subseksyen 172B (6) KTJ, Mahkamah bolehlah menyerahkan Borang sepertimana di Lampiran A untuk kegunaan pihak-pihak.

C) Rundingan Akuan

1) Terdapat dua jenis rundingan akuan iaitu :
(a) rundingan akuan berkaitan pertuduhan dan
(b) rundingan akuan berkaitan hukuman.

2) Rundingan akuan boleh berlaku dalam dua keadaan iaitu rundingan akuan ketika rundingan pra-perbicaraan (perenggan 172A (4)(f) dan perenggan 172B (2)(i) KTJ) dan rundingan akuan yang dibuat oleh OKT melalui Borang 28A pada bila-bila masa sebelum perbicaraan bermula (seksyen 172C KTJ).

3) Dalam kedua-dua keadaan tersebut, Mahkamah hanya berperanan untuk menentukan rundingan akuan tersebut dibuat secara sukarela.

4) Bagi rundingan akuan semasa rundingan pra-perbicaraan yang dinyatakan di bawah perenggan 172B (2)(i) KTJ yang merujuk kepada tatacara rundingan akuan di bawah seksyen 172C KTJ, hanya tatacara berkaitan dengan penentuan sesuatu rundingan akuan dibuat secara sukarela di bawah seksyen 172C sahaja yang terpakai.

5) Bagi rundingan akuan yang dibuat melalui permohonan menggunakan Borang 28A, Mahkamah hendaklah menetapkan satu tarikh pendengaran. Bagi tujuan penyeragaman, penetapan tarikh dibuat dengan menggunakan Borang sepertimana di Lampiran B.

6) Jika Mahkamah mendapati rundingan akuan tersebut dibuat secara sukarela dan pihak OKT serta pihak pendakwaan telah mencapai persetujuan untuk pelupusan kes yang memuaskan, satu Borang Pelupusan Kes Yang Memuaskan (subseksyen 172C (7) KTJ) hendaklah ditandatangani oleh semua pihak termasuk Mahkamah. Bagi tujuan penyeragaman, Borang Pelupusan Kes Yang Memuaskan adalah sepertimana di Lampiran C.

7) Apabila Mahkamah mendapati tiada pelupusan kes yang memuaskan dicapai di antara OKT dan pendakwaan [subseksyen 172C (8) KTJ], Mahkamah hendaklah merekodkan pemerhatian yang dibuat dan kes tersebut hendaklah ditetapkan untuk bicara di hadapan Hakim yang lain. Sebelum tarikh bicara ditetapkan, satu tarikh sebutan hendaklah ditetapkan. Dalam tempoh tersebut, Mahkamah berkenaan hendaklah menghantar maklumat/status mengenai kes tersebut kepada Hakim Besar Malaya/Hakim Besar Sabah dan Sarawak (bagi kes Mahkamah Tinggi) atau Pengarah Mahkamah Negeri masing-masing (bagi kes Mahkamah Rendah) untuk mendapatkan arahan penggantian Hakim. Bagi tujuan penyeragaman, maklumat / status kes hendaklah dihantar dengan menggunakan Borang di Lampiran D melalui emel / faks dan disimpan dalam fail mahkamah.

D) Panduan Hukuman Bagi Rundingan Akuan

1) Jika OKT mengaku salah sebelum perbicaraan atas tuduhan asal, cadangan hukuman adalah seperti berikut :

Hukuman Hukuman Rundingan Cadangan
Akuan tidak melebihi Hukuman

a. 30 tahun 15 tahun 10-15 tahun
b. 20 tahun 10 tahun 7-10 tahun
c. 14/15 tahun 7 / 7 ½ tahun 5-7,5-7 ½ tahun

d. Di mana hukuman penjara tidak mandatori dan hukuman yang boleh dikenakan adalah tidak melebihi 10 tahun, tempoh yang boleh dicadangkan adalah daripada satu hari hingga separuh daripada tempoh hukuman yang boleh dikenakan.

e. Di mana hukuman penjara adalah mandatori, hukuman yang hendak dicadangkan adalah tidak melebihi separuh daripada tempoh hukuman yang boleh dikenakan.

f. Di mana hukuman penjara mandatori minimum dan hukuman denda maksimum diperuntukkan, hukuman yang hendak dicadangkan adalah penjara antara minimum hingga separuh daripada hukuman maksimum dan satu per empat (¼) hingga separuh (½) daripada hukuman denda maksimum atau jumlah denda yang boleh dikenakan ditetapkan atas persetujuan kedua-dua pihak.

g. Tertakluk kepada peruntukan seksyen 172D(1)(a), (b) dan (c) KTJ, di mana hukuman penjara dan denda adalah tidak mandatori dan tiada tempoh minimum penjara dan tiada denda maksimum/minimum diperuntukkan, kedua-dua pihak boleh bersetuju berkenaan hukuman yang boleh dikenakan.

h. Di mana hukuman penjara tidak mandatori tetapi denda minimum dan maksimum diperuntukkan, hukuman yang dicadangkan ialah denda di antara minimum hingga separuh.

2. Walau apapun cadangan hukuman di atas, mahkamah masih mempunyai budibicara untuk menjatuhkan hukuman yang setimpal selaras dengan prinsip -prinsip penghukuman yang ada.

E) Pengakuan Bersalah Okt Semasa Perbicaraan

1. Apabila OKT mengaku salah pada mana-mana peringkat selepas perbicaraan bermula, peruntukan s.172G KTJ tidak terpakai.

F) Proviso di bawah perenggan 173 (m) KTJ

1. Mahkamah hendaklah mengambil kira kenyataan mengenai impak kesalahan ke atas mangsa sekiranya terdapat permohonan daripada mangsa atau keluarga mangsa sebelum menjatuhkan hukuman. Tiada sebarang penangguhan kes boleh di berikan hanya di atas alasan ketiadaan pernyataan secara lisan atau bertulis mangsa atau keluarga mangsa.

Arahan Amalan ini berkuat kuasa mulai serta merta.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Salinan Pekeliling tersebut boleh dilihat dengan cut & paste address di bawah:


Dengan segala hormatnya perkara di atas adalah dirujuk.

2. Bagi meningkatkan sistem penyampaian Mahkamah, bahagian pelaksanaan di Mahkamah juga memainkan peranan penting dalam membantu memastikan kelicinan pentadbiran terutamanya memastikan pelaksanaan penghakiman dijalankan. Terdapat isu-isu berbangkit yang menyebabkan proses pelaksanaan tidak dapat dijalankan secara berkesan terutamanya pelaksanaan yang melibatkan Saman Penghutang Penghakiman.

3. Beberapa masalah yang timbul berkaitan Pelaksanaan Saman Penghutang Penghakiman antara lainnya adalah sepertimana di bawah:

(i) Kekerapan penetapan tarikh sebutan kerana kegagalan penyerahan Saman Penghutang Penghakiman;

(ii) Jarak masa di antara satu tarikh sebutan dengan tarikh sebutan yang berikutnya;

(iii) Tiada tarikh sebutan ditetapkan walaupun waran tangkap telah dikeluarkan;

(iv) Kekerapan penetapan tarikh sebutan sementara menunggu Waran Tangkap dilaksanakan (executed); dan

(v) Kekerapan Notis Penghakiman difailkan di mahkamah walaupun keputusan pertama telah dibuat oleh Mahkamah.

4. Bagi mengatasi masalah ini dan untuk tujuan keseragaman, mahkamah hendaklah mengambilkira perkara-perkara di bawah:

(i) Menetapkan tarikh sebutan sebanyak tiga (3) kali sahaja sebelum saman tersebut dibatalkan atas alasan saman tidak dapat diserahkan;

(ii) Tempoh masa di antara satu tarikh sebutan dengan tarikh sebutan yang lain untuk keadaan (i) di atas adalah tidak melebihi (1) satu bulan melainkan terdapat alasan munasabah yang boleh dipertimbangkan;

(iii) Bagi kes-kes yang mana waran tangkap dipohon, mahkamah hendaklah menggunakan budibicara yang sewajarnya untuk menetapkan tarikh sebutan yang munasabah untuk memantau pelaksanaan waran tangkap;

(iv) Bagi kes-kes yang mana terdapat permohonan untuk lanjutan tempoh masa waran tangkap, Mahkamah hanya membenarkan permohonan tersebut jika terdapat alasan yang munasabah.

(v) Fail pelaksanaan dianggap tutup setelah keputusan pertama dibuat dan bicara Notis Penghakiman yang difailkan selepas keputusan pertama dibuat dan tidak perlu dimasukkan kedalam senarai Aging List bulanan yang dihantar ke Unit Statistik sebagai kes yang masih tunggak dan belum diselesaikan.

Arahan Amalan ini adalah berkuat kuasa mulai 10 Ogos 2012.


Salinan Pekeliling tersebut boleh dilihat dengan cut & paste address di bawah:


Dengan segala hormatnya perkara di atas adalah dirujuk.

2. Bagi meningkatkan sistem penyampaian Mahkamah, bahagian pelaksanaan di Mahkamah juga memainkan peranan penting dalam membantu memastikan kelicinan pentadbiran terutamanya memastikan pelaksanaan penghakiman dijalankan. Terdapat isu-isu berbangkit yang menyebabkan proses pelaksanaan tidak dapat dijalankan secara berkesan terutamanya pelaksanaan yang melibatkan Writ Penyitaan dan Penjualan.

3. Di dalam melaksanakan Writ Penyitaan dan Penjualan, telah dikenal pasti beberapa masalah yang mengganggu proses pelaksanaan tersebut iaitu antaranya ialah:

(i) pemiutang penghakiman gagal membayar deposit yang ditetapkan mengikut Pekeliling Ketua Pendaftar No 2 Tahun 2005; dan

(ii) pemiutang penghakiman atau wakilnya gagal hadir pada tarikh pelaksanaan yang ditetapkan.

(iii) Kegagalan untuk mendapatkan pengawal keselamatan.

4. Merujuk kepada perkara 3(i) dan (ii) di atas, mahkamah hendaklah mengeluarkan satu Notis seperti di Lampiran A1 dan A2 masing-masing bagi Mahkamah Tinggi dan Mahkamah Rendah untuk memaklumkan kepada pemiutang penghakiman untuk membayar deposit yang telah ditetapkan selewat-lewatnya dua (2) minggu sebelum tarikh pelaksanaa pertama yang ditetapkan oleh Mahkamah. Di dalam Notis tersebut juga dimaklumkan bahawa pemiutang penghakiman atau wakilnya perlu hadir pada tarikh dan masa yang ditetapkan untuk pelaksanaan.

5. Bagi perkara 3(iii) di atas dan dengan merujuk perkara 3.4 Pekeliling Ketua Pendaftar No 2 Tahun 2005; pelantikan pengawal keselamatan juga boleh dikecualikan dengan kebenaran mahkamah atas alasan yang munasabah.

6. Kegagalan pemiutang penghakiman untuk membayar deposit atau kegagalan pemiutang penghakiman atau wakilnya untuk hadir pada masa yang ditetapkan untuk pelaksanaan akan menyebabkan Writ Penyitaan dan Penjualan dibatalkan.

Arahan Amalan ini adalah berkuat kuasa mulai 10 Ogos 2012.

Monday, August 13, 2012

(CRIMINAL) Pre-Trial Conference & Case Management

To All Members of Terengganu Bar,

Note on the above, kindly click at:

* The Seminar/ Talk regarding the above will be held on a later date (i.e will be informed to All Members)

Latest Amendment Related to Criminal Matters

To All Members of Terengganu Bar,

Note on the above, kindly click at:

* The Seminar/ Talk regarding the above will be held on a later date (i.e will be informed to All Members)



To All Members

Continuing Professional Development

Please be reminded that the CPD Cycle commenced on 1 July 2012 and the first cycle will run from 1 July 2012 until 30 June 2014. Members are required to accumulate 16 CPD points during the 24 month cycle.

An activity is considered a CPD activity as long as it:

(a) is relevant to the immediate or long-term educational development of the advocate and solicitor;

(b) meets the standards and requirements set out in paragraph 2.3 of the attached CPD Guidelines; and

(c) deals primarily with matters related to the practice of law or the legal profession.

Please refer to the table in question 6 of the Frequently-Asked-Questions section in the attached CPD Guidelines to see the variety of ways in which CPD points can be earned.

In line with the CPD Scheme, the Selangor Bar Committee (SBC) has organised the following seminars to assist members to accumulate CPD Points:-

21 September 2012
Trademark – Cuckoo in the Nest (2 CPD Points)
by Mr Bahari Yeow
SBC Auditorium

12 October 2012
Loan Documentation (2 CPD Points)
by Ms Sumathi Murugiah
SBC Auditorium

19 October 2012
Setting Aside Illegal And Void Contracts (2 CPD Points)
by Mr Vishnu Kumar
SBC Auditorium

2 November 2012
Foreclosure Proceedings
by Mr Lew Chee Seon
SBC Auditorium

9 November 2012
Constructive Dismissal (2 CPD Points)
by Ms Wong Keat Ching
SBC Auditorium

23 November 2012
Law And Forensic Computer (2 CPD Points)
by Mr Mokhtiar Singh
SBC Auditorium

7 December 2012
Directors’ Duties And Liabilities (2 CPD Points)
by Mr Tan Hon Yik
SBC Auditorium

20 December 2012
Perbezaan Cara Sebatan Di-antara Undang Undang Syariah Dan Undang undang Sivil ( 2 CPD Points)
by Encik Haji Nordin
SBC Auditorium

11 January 2013
The Role of Forensic Accounting in Civil Litigation and Damage Quantification (2 CPD Points)
by Mr. Prabhat Kumar
SBC Auditorium

18 January, 2013
Bankruptcy Law (2 CPD Points)
by Tejindarpal Kaur
SBC Auditorium

1 March 2013
Family Law (Topic to be confirmed)(2 CPD Points)
by Ms Honey Tan
SBC Auditorium

12 April 2013
Land Acquisition (2 CPD Points)
by Ms. Lim Siew Ming
SBC Auditorium

10 May 2013
Judicial Review Of Industrial Awards (2 CPD Points)
by Mr Mohan Ramakrishnan
SBC Auditorium

Thank you.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Circular No 174/2012 Dated 9 Aug 2012: Compliance with Rules of Court 2012

Circular No 174/2012
Dated 9 Aug 2012

To Members of the Malaysian Bar

Compliance with Rules of Court 2012

Reference is made to Circular No 142/2012 dated 2 July 2012, Circular No 146/2012 dated 3 July 2012, Circular No 152/2012 dated 12 July 2012, Circular No 165/2012 dated 31 July 2012 and Circular No 167/2012 dated 2 Aug 2012.

We wish to remind Members that the Rules of Court 2012 [P.U. (A) 205/2012] came into force on 1 Aug 2012. On the same day, the Subordinate Courts Rules 1980 and the Rules of the High Court 1980 were repealed.

The Rules of Court 2012 are to be read together with the Corrigendum [P.U. (A) 226/2012] which was gazetted on 25 July 2012, and the Rules of Court (Amendment) 2012 [P.U. (A) 232/2012] which was gazetted on 1 Aug 2012.

The Bar Council and the respective State Bar Committees had organised briefing sessions in Kuala Lumpur, Kedah, Kuantan, Malacca, Pahang and Penang to help Members to familiarise themselves with the Rules of Court 2012.

Initially there were complaints with regard to filing fees. Members should note that Order 91 of the Rules of Court 2012 and Appendix B1 and Appendix B2 (ie the revised schedule of filing fees for the subordinate courts and the High Court) will only come into effect when the Subordinate Courts (Amendment) Act 2010 comes into effect. In the meantime, the schedule of filing fees that is applicable for the subordinate courts and the High Courts is as per Schedule B of the Subordinate Courts Rules 1980 and Appendix B of the Rules of the High Court 1980, respectively.

In so far as compliance with the Rules of Court 2012 is concerned, the Bar Council has received feedback from the subordinate courts that lawyers are continuing to file Summons instead of Writ/Statement of Claim in the subordinate courts. Members are hereby advised to give their full cooperation and strictly comply with the Rules of Court 2012 in respect of, inter alia, the mode of commencement of action. Members are advised not to take risks by filing documents that do not exist under the Rules of Court 2012 (especially if the action has been time-barred), which may be rejected by the Registry or may not be sealed by the Registrar.

The Bar Council has also set up a dedicated email address,, so that Members will have an avenue to provide feedback with regard to the manner in which the courts are implementing or misapplying the Rules of Court 2012. In this regard, the Bar Council has worked closely with the Judiciary and the Attorney General’s Chambers in resolving problems that have surfaced prior to and since the implementation of the Rules of Court 2012. The Bar Council’s efforts are ongoing as there are still some issues which have yet to be resolved.

We look forward to your full cooperation in terms of compliance with the Rules of Court 2012. Please do not hesitate to send your feedback to

Thank you.

Tony Woon Yeow Thong
Malaysian Bar

Thursday, August 2, 2012

(LATEST) Circular No 167/2012 Dated 2 Aug 2012: Rules of Court 2012 and Court Forms: Update on 1 Aug 2012

Circular No 167/2012
Dated 2 Aug 2012

To Members of the Malaysian Bar

Rules of Court 2012 and Court Forms: Update on 1 Aug 2012

Reference is made to Circular No 142/2012 dated 2 July 2012, Circular No 146/2012 dated 3 July 2012, Circular No 152/2012 dated 12 July 2012 and Circular No 165/2012 dated 31 July 2012.

Rules of Court (Amendment) 2012

We wish to notify Members that the Rules of Court (Amendment) 2012 [P.U. (A) 232/2012] has been gazetted on 1 Aug 2012.

Click ( ) to access the Rules of Court (Amendment) 2012.

Increase in Filing Fees

Order 1 Rule 1(3) of the Rules of Court 2012 provides that Order 91 (Court Fees) comes into operation on a date to be appointed by the Rules Committee and the Subordinate Court Rules Committee by notification in the Gazette. Although Order 91 together with Appendix B1 and B2 in the Rules of Court 2012 refer to the new scale of fees, it will only take effect when the same is gazetted at a later date.

We have received reports that the counter clerks in some states are imposing the new filing fees. Steps have been taken to rectify this. In the event of any such occurrences, Members are advised to contact the Bar Council Secretariat staff members named below.

Should you require any clarification, please do not hesitate to send an email to or contact Sumitha Shaanthinni Kishna (03-2050 2090) or Vilashini Vijayan (03-2050 2095).

Thank you.

Tony Woon Yeow Thong
Malaysian Bar

(MUSTAHAK) PINDAAN kepada Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012: Mula Kuatkuasa 01.08.2012

Tarikh Mula Kuatkuasa : 01.08.2012

Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah (Pindaan) 2012 - Bahasa Malaysia Version:

Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah Rayuan (Pindaan) 2012 - Bahasa Malaysia Version:

Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah Persekutuan (Pindaan) 2012 - Bahasa Malaysia Version:

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

(IMPORTANT) Rules of Court 2012 - No Increase In Filing Fees Yet

Dear Members,

The Rules of Court 2012 comes into force today. However the increase in filing fees does not. Order 1 Rule 1(3) of the Rules makes that very clear. Although Order 91 and Appendix B1 and B2 refer to the new scale of filing fees, Order 91 will only take effect when the same is gazetted at a later date.